Review: Incidentals

Author: Vinayak Pattar.
Genre: Short Stories. 
Rating: đŸ«đŸ«đŸ«đŸŹ


Just like unison of a male and female giving rise to a new generation, two rivers meet at a fictitious village called Koodala. Set in this Koodala, Incidentals is a collection of 17 short stories that touch your chords of nostalgia, love, relationship, humor, childhood, adventure, culture, and superstitions. Overall, each story reminds us of incidents that most of us experienced, in one or the other form, during the course of our lives.

Cover Review:

The cover is beautiful. I love its simplicity. 

Book Review:

Incidentals was a collection of 17 quirky short stories set in the fictional town of Koondla. Some of the stories were funny, some ironic and some were too short to make much sense.

I liked most of the stories, but there were a few that read more like musings than stories, like that last one about death. 

The book, in my opinion, was a good attempt by the author, but it needed a bit more work to really stand out. There were instances where words were used out of context or where tenses kept changing with each paragraph. 

Overall, it needs a bit of work, but it could be a superb collection with some editing and TLC.

Buy Incidentals now:

Review: Voice of the Soul

Author: Shreyans Kanswa.
Genre: Poetry.
Rating: đŸ«đŸ«đŸ«đŸ«


How does it feel to lie just by yourself and delve into the silence? The silence that is a path to deeper self, a self that is unexplored. That same unexplored self can also be regarded as the soul. While the time ticks on the clock, a bond with your soul is timeless. Such metaphors are rendered powerless when a conversation is created with oneself. These poems mean more than just words, they scream soulfulness. It is rather weird that we go looking for answers outside when all that we have to do is seek deeper within ourselves. The poems are experiences that the poet shares with the world and these experiences are nothing fancy- they are all moments that the poet experiences with himself. They are questions risen from inquisitiveness and introspection.

Cover Review:

The cover is beautiful and it was what made me pick up this book. I wish I could have a paperback!

Book Review:

Voice of The Soul is a collection of thought provoking and insightful poems about life. It covers a multitude of topics from life, to success, to growing up, to death. 

The language was mostly easy to understand and yet, the poems resonated deeply within me. Every poem brought a smile or a frown on my face as I understood its meaning, and the whole process of figuring it out was a pleasant experience.

The only thing that annoyed me was the way too frequent use of some words. The words weren't particularly poetic, which added to my irritation.  Eg, "halcyon", "munificence", etc.

I can't pick a favourite poem, because there were so many poems that I adored! Here's a list of my top favourites:
¤ Finding the Blue
¤ Devil
¤ 5 Years Old
¤ The Song of Life
¤ The One You Think
¤ Sand & Stones

All in all, Voice of The Soul was a beautiful collection of poems, and I loved how each one of them gave me a different message. 

Buy Voice of The Soul now:

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