Review: Small Is Big Vol.2

Author: Rafaa Dalvi.
Genre: Microtales.
Rating: 🍫🍫🍫🍫

If you’re a romantic at heart, this micro tale is for you-
How frail are our hearts and bodies to be stirred up by one glass, one glance, one smile, one voice and one touch.

If you ever had a tough time fitting in, this micro tale is for you-
I saw a girl reading a book titled “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.” So I bought a telescope to find out which planet I was from.

And if you like thrillers, this micro tale is for you-
She bid farewell to her sister and left the graveyard, holding the hand of her brother-in-law. Identity theft was child’s play for twins.

In fact, there are 100 such small tales that will have a big impact on you.

I love how the cover illustrates the title. It's a witty cover, that's for sure!

Small Is Big is a collection of micro tales that span a variety of topics. 

I loved their diversity and the fact that despite being so short, they were complete. Not one of those tales felt as if they'd been left halfway or incomplete. 

Some of the tales were sweet while some were downright creepy. Collectively, it was a pretty balanced amalgamation of genres and topics.

My favourite tales were "Applaud," "Sorry" and "Believe". Though the others were just as exceptional.

I'd definitely recommend you to give this collection a shot. 

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