Review: That's How It's Meant To Be

Author: Shilpi Chaklanobis.
Genre: Romance, General Fiction.
Rating: 🍫🍫🍫🍫


Love transcends distance, time and age. It’s beyond the customs of the world around us that spin us into a frenzy. People meet, they fall in love, that’s where your usual love story might end. But not this one. For this is not a love story, this is a story about love. When Nilanjana meets Vikram in the strangest circumstances, they fall in love with each other against all odds. The quintessential Bengali girl finds herself smitten by your not so spoilt Punjabi guy. But sometimes, life throws lemons at you and you ask yourself, is love enough to keep two people together? Come on the journey of a lifetime that makes you wonder, introspect, dive in your deepest thoughts, only to come out wiser. Experience, anger, joy, surprise and love. Experience, LIFE.

Cover Review:

The cover is okay, but I didn't really like it.

Book Review:

That's How It's Meant To Be is a story about growing up, falling in love, falling out of it, and making your own identity.

I felt that Nilanjana was the only character that was well developed and complete. But I guess since it's her story, it's alright. Not good, but okay. 

The storyline is well thought out, and the writing style is pretty impressive, though the beginning wasn't all that interesting. It was way too passive, with no action. And that's definitely not how I like my beginnings. 

Another thing that irked me was the fact that some characters were only introduced when they were absolutely needed. Like Nilanjana's roommates weren't named or introduced until months later at her birthday party. Similarly, Vikram never talked about his nanny until the accident with his sister. This sudden appearances of new characters were a definite put off, but if you can ignore that fault, the book is actually a pretty good read. 

Overall, it was good enough to finish reading, but I won't be reading it again. 

Buy That's How... Now:

1 comment:

  1. I understand how annoying it gets when characters abruptly are added out of nowhere for sake of convenience.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes


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